A Soldier of the War

A Soldier of the War (Rita Lindsay)

A Soldier of the War is a song of remembrance for the millions of lives taken in the war and it was written for Anzac Day. It pays tribute to the many men who gave their lives for the freedom that we have today. This song is a testament that says your memory will never be forgotten. The Last Post is featured in this song as I was witness to the powerful sound of the Last Post reverberating from the Australian National Memorial at Villers-Bretonneux across the Somme. Also mentioned in this song is the blood red rose. Rod Bedford, our battlefields tour guide from Battlefields Experience, stated that when the sunlight hits the red rose that grows above the graves, the shadow of the rose casts over the one who is laid to rest there. Above many of the graves names of the soldiers are unknown and it reads A Soldier of the Great War, Known only unto God.

The Battlefields Experience